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Google Introduces Exciting New Feature for Gmail Users

Google Introduces Exciting New Feature for Gmail Users

Save Time with Emoji Reactions on Gmail

Gmail users are about to experience a major time-saving feature. Google has announced that it will be adding the ability to react to emails with emojis. Similar to WhatsApp and Facebook, this new feature allows users to send quick and fun emoji reactions instead of having to write long-winded replies.

Android Users Get First Access

Android users with Gmail will be the first to try out this exciting feature. Over the next few months, it will be rolled out to web and iOS users as well. So whether you're on your phone, tablet, or computer, you'll soon be able to easily express your thoughts with just a single emoji.

Interactive Screen Animation

When you send an emoji reaction on Gmail, a funky screen animation will also pop out. This adds an extra touch of fun and brings your email interactions to life.

How to Use Emoji Reactions

Once the feature has been added to your Gmail account, you'll find a series of emojis at the bottom of your emails. Simply select the one that best represents your reaction and the sender will see it. If the email is sent to multiple people, you'll also be able to see what others have reacted. However, please note that both the sender and receiver need to be Gmail users to fully enjoy this feature. If you try to react to an email sent by a friend on Outlook, your reaction will simply appear as a separate email. It's also worth mentioning that emoji reactions will only be displayed for emails with a maximum of 20 recipients.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

So get ready to add some excitement and simplicity to your email conversations with Gmail's new emoji reactions!