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Facebook's Meta AI Chatbot Can Transform Your Social Experience

Facebooks Meta AI Chatbot Can Transform Your Social Experience

What is the Meta AI chatbot?

Mark Zuckerberg recently introduced a range of artificial intelligence chatbots, including the Meta AI assistant, which is now available on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. This chatbot allows users to ask questions and receive answers on a wide range of topics.

How can the Meta AI chatbot enhance your social life?

Speaking at the Meta Connect event, Chris Cox, Chief Product Officer at Meta, revealed that the Meta AI can be activated in group chats as well. This means you can use the chatbot as a group assistant with your friends, making planning and decision-making more efficient.

Keep the conversation in one place

The Meta AI's integration within group chats eliminates the need to constantly switch between threads. Whether you're looking for restaurant suggestions or checking journey times, you can ask the chatbot directly within the chat, without having to leave the conversation.

A social tool rather than a solo chat partner

Cox hopes that by keeping the chatbot within the chat, it will feel more like a social tool rather than just an AI to constantly chat with alone. The aim is to enhance the social experience of planning and decision-making by putting all the relevant context in one place.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Meet the other chatbots in the lineup

In addition to the Meta AI, Meta also announced a roster of other chatbots, with support from top celebrities such as Kendall Jenner, Snoop Dogg, and Tom Brady. Each chatbot has a unique personality and can assist users with various tasks and activities.


Currently, the new chatbots are available in beta in the United States, with plans to roll out more widely in the future.

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