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Couples who meet online are 'less happy' when married because of dating stigma

Couples who meet online are less happy when married because of dating stigma

Couples who met online experience lower levels of happiness in marriage, study shows

A recent study has found that couples who meet online are less happy in their married life compared to those who met in traditional settings. The study, conducted by researchers at Arizona State University, suggests that online couples often feel judged and under stress due to the stigma surrounding their relationship. They are more likely to face societal marginalization, either as an interracial or same-sex couple, or simply because they met online. However, the researchers also believe that being aware of these obstacles can help online couples build a longer, stable, and happier future together.

Research survey explores satisfaction levels and relationship stability

The survey, which involved 923 adults in the US, asked participants about their satisfaction with being married and the stability of their relationship. The researchers also inquired if they felt marginalized by society and how openly they shared their feelings in the early stages of dating. Overall, the findings indicated that online daters reported lower levels of happiness in their married life.

Online dating in the UK

In the UK, approximately one in five relationships begins online through popular apps like Tinder, Hinge, Grindr, and Bumble. It is estimated that nearly 9 million people regularly use these apps, and according to experts, this number is expected to reach around 12 million by 2027. These findings are important to consider as more and more people turn to online dating platforms to find love.

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