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Premier League Star Under Investigation for Alleged Racist Abuse

Premier League Star Under Investigation for Alleged Racist Abuse

A Premier League star is currently being investigated by police following claims that he racially abused a staff member at a luxury apartment block. The alleged victim stated that the footballer used the N-word towards him on two separate occasions, after arriving at the scene "agitated" and smelling of alcohol in the early hours of the morning.

Alleged Incident at Luxury Apartment Block

The incident is said to have taken place on December 10, while the staff member was working as a concierge. The player reportedly became angry and demanded a key, leading to the alleged racial abuse. The 50-year-old man, who was temporarily covering the reception duties, reported the incident to both the Metropolitan Police and the player's club, and a formal complaint has been made.

Details of the Incident

The concierge explained, "He smelt like alcohol and was very agitated. I wanted to help him and get him in, but as soon as he saw me, he demanded, 'My key?'" The staff member, who was unable to access the computer system due to password issues, attempted to explain the situation and asked the player to provide his details. However, the player became increasingly angry, using offensive language towards the concierge and eventually directing a racial slur at him.

Concierge's Reaction

The concierge, who was born in England to Senegalese-Gambian parents, expressed his shock and disgust at the player's behavior. He stated, "I draw the line at that. I was appalled and disgusted. I said to him, 'I will not tolerate that. Do not use that word towards me.'" The staff member further revealed that he was unaware of the player's identity at the time, as he does not follow football. It was only after the incident that his colleague informed him of the player's fame.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Police Investigation

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that a 50-year-old man reported the racial abuse on December 13. No arrests have been made as of yet, but investigations are ongoing.

Club's Response

The player's club released a statement, stating that it would be inappropriate to comment on the matter until a full investigation has been conducted by the police. The player himself is said to deny the allegations.

Premier League's Stance on Discrimination

The Premier League, along with the clubs under its umbrella, has expressed its commitment to addressing and eradicating all forms of discrimination, both on and off the pitch.

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