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Man Arrested for Manslaughter in Death of Ice Hockey Star

Man Arrested for Manslaughter in Death of Ice Hockey Star

Arrest and Bail

A man who was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter in connection with the death of ice hockey star Adam Johnson has been released on bail. Johnson, 29, sustained fatal injuries during a Challenge Cup game on October 28 and later died in the hospital.

Tragic Accident

Johnson was struck by an ice skate during a collision with Matt Petgrave, a player for the Sheffield Steelers. A post-mortem examination confirmed that Johnson's cause of death was a neck injury.

Ongoing Investigation

South Yorkshire Police launched an immediate investigation into the incident. Detective Chief Superintendent Becs Horsfall stated that they have been conducting extensive inquiries and working with specialized experts to piece together the events leading to Johnson's tragic death. They are also collaborating with the health and safety department at Sheffield City Council.

Call for Safety Measures

A coroner who opened the inquest into Johnson's death has warned about the potential for more ice hockey fatalities unless neck guards become mandatory. The UK's Elite Ice Hockey League has not made it compulsory to wear safety equipment but has strongly encouraged players and officials to do so. However, the English Ice Hockey Association has announced that neck guards will become mandatory starting in 2024. It is important to note that the Elite League, which includes the Nottingham Panthers, operates independently from the governing body.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

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