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When Will Rishi Sunak Give Evidence at the Covid Inquiry?

When Will Rishi Sunak Give Evidence at the Covid Inquiry?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is set to give evidence at the Covid inquiry, which is currently investigating the UK's response to the pandemic. The inquiry aims to understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the country's first lockdown in 2020.

When is Rishi Sunak Expected to Speak at the Covid Inquiry?

Rishi Sunak will be giving evidence at the Covid inquiry on Monday, December 11. As the former Chancellor during the pandemic, Sunak will be questioned about his policies, including the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, and the impact they had.

Disturbing WhatsApp Messages and the Nickname "Dr Death"

WhatsApp messages that were shown to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry have revealed that Sunak was allegedly referred to as "Dr Death" by advisers. This nickname was given due to concerns about the impact of his push to keep economic activity going after the first lockdown. The inquiry will delve into the consequences of such decisions.

Previous Witnesses at the Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson, who was Prime Minister during the pandemic, gave evidence at the Covid inquiry in early December. He admitted underestimating the threat of coronavirus and expressed regret for the pain and loss caused by the virus. Health Secretary Matt Hancock also gave evidence in late November, stating that an earlier lockdown could have saved many lives. Dominic Cummings, the former chief adviser to Boris Johnson, and Priti Patel, the former Home Secretary, have also spoken at the inquiry.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Other government officials, such as Sajid Javid, Michael Gove, Jonathan Van Tam, and Martin Reynolds, have also given evidence at the Covid inquiry.