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BBC Licence Fee to Rise to £169.50 Next Year, Culture Secretary Announces

BBC Licence Fee to Rise to £169.50 Next Year, Culture Secretary Announces

The BBC licence fee will increase from £159 to £169.50 in the coming year, according to Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer. The planned hike of nearly £15 was adjusted to align with September's 6.7% inflation rate, following pressure from ministers. The increase in the TV licence fee comes as Frazer launches a review into the future funding of the BBC, aiming to minimize the impact of price rises on licence fee payers.

Review to Assess Funding Options and Long-Term Sustainability

The review, backed by a panel of independent experts from the broadcasting sector and wider business world, will explore various funding options for the BBC. It will examine how alternative models can support the broadcaster's long-term sustainability in the face of an evolving media landscape, increased competition, and changing audience behavior. The aim is to reduce the financial burden on licence fee payers.

Government Introduces Changes to Limit Fee Increase

The licence fee increase for next year will be lower than initially expected due to changes implemented by the government. In 2022, the fee was frozen for two years to protect households from the rising cost of living. The current annual fee of £159 will remain unchanged until April 2024, after which it will rise in line with inflation for the following four years.

Secretary Frazer Emphasizes Value for Money and Sustainability

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer described the fee increase as a fair deal that provides value for money for licence fee payers while ensuring the BBC can continue producing world-leading content. She acknowledged the financial strain on family budgets and highlighted the challenges faced by the BBC in a competitive media landscape and declining licence fee payers. The funding review aims to address these challenges and explore alternative funding models to support the sustainability and affordability of the national broadcaster.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Additional Funding for BBC World Service

Earlier this year, the government allocated an extra £20 million to the BBC World Service as part of the Integrated Review. This funding is in addition to the annual £94 million provided and will safeguard all 42 World Service language services for the next two years, support English-language broadcasting, and combat disinformation.

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