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Under-18s May Face Lifetime Smoking Ban: Rishi Sunak Considers Radical Plan

Under-18s May Face Lifetime Smoking Ban: Rishi Sunak Considers Radical Plan

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is reportedly exploring the possibility of implementing a smoking ban for individuals under the age of 18, with the intention of including this proposal in his upcoming speech at the Tory conference in Manchester. The plan would involve gradually increasing the legal age for smoking each year, ultimately leading to a complete ban on cigarette sales in the UK. This move would position Britain as the country with the strictest anti-smoking regulations in all of Europe.

"Nanny State at its Worst": Tory MPs Furious at Smoking Ban Proposal

The proposed smoking ban has not been received well among some Conservative MPs, who feel that it constitutes excessive government intervention. One former Cabinet minister expressed their anger, describing the plan as an example of the "nanny state at its worst." Another Tory MP voiced concerns about the timing of the proposal, emphasizing the need for the Prime Minister to focus on key issues, given the proximity of the General Election.