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Tory MPs Demand Major Tax Cuts After Election Losses

Tory MPs Demand Major Tax Cuts After Election Losses

Despairing Conservative MPs Call for Tax Relief

Following a double by-election defeat, Tory MPs are renewing their calls for significant tax cuts. The party's losses have sparked concerns among senior Conservatives, who want Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to reduce the high tax burden on households and businesses in an effort to regain support.

Infighting and Disappointment

The recent election losses have plunged the party into a state of turmoil, with some describing the mood as "turbo-dire" and the results as "a f***ing disaster". Polling experts are predicting a potential wipeout for the Tories at the next general election, highlighting significant vote swings and the erosion of support from previous Tory voters.

The Call for Bold Taxation Measures

Conservative MPs are advocating for bolder tax policies to stimulate economic growth. They argue that cutting taxes and addressing immigration are key issues for Conservative voters. There is a growing sentiment that the government needs to take action in these areas to regain public support.

Tory Leadership and Policy Blitz

Despite a policy blitz on various fronts, including Net Zero, A-level reforms, and the scrapping of HS2, the Tories have not seen a significant increase in their poll ratings. While there is no appetite for a change in leadership, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is facing criticism from within the party, with some MPs referring to him as "Eeyore", drawing a comparison to the downbeat donkey in Winnie-the-Pooh.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Labour's Victories and Calls for Change

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer celebrated his party's wins in the by-elections and expressed confidence in their climb to power. He described the results as a sign that "people overwhelmingly want change" and claimed to see the summit of power within reach. Shadow minister Peter Kyle labeled the wins a "political earthquake".

Triggering Elections and Criticism of Rishi Sunak

The by-elections were triggered by the resignation of Tory MPs Nadine Dorries and Chris Pincher. Dorries criticized Rishi Sunak for the damaging blow to the party, suggesting that it could mark the end of the Tories. However, Sunak emphasized that mid-term elections are always challenging and should be considered in that context.