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Tories in Trouble as Labour Heads for 1997-Style Landslide

Tories in Trouble as Labour Heads for 1997-Style Landslide

Shock from Voters: Polls Proven Wrong

Any Tory MP still holding out hope that the polls are wrong received two sharp shocks from the voters of Mid-Bedfordshire and Tamworth. The experts agree - based on these results, Labour is on track for a landslide victory reminiscent of 1997.

Labour Wins Over Voters in Mid-Bedfordshire and Tamworth

Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party managed to win over voters in both Mid-Bedfordshire and Tamworth. While on the surface it may seem that thousands of Tory voters simply stayed home, allowing Labour to secure the victories, the reality is more troubling for the Conservatives.

Disillusioned Tory Voters and the Rise of the Reform Party

Pollsters Survation found that many 2019 Conservative voters who initially planned to turn out ended up voting for someone else. Surprisingly, the number of these voters who split between the right-wing Reform party and Labour was nearly equal.

Cost of the Brexit Party's Absence

In 2019, the Brexit Party stepped aside, but this time they are reveling in the fact that they played a role in costing the Tories both seats. The 'Faragist' pro-Brexit, low-tax supporters gained more votes in both constituencies than Labour's majority.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Growing Fury and Calls for Change

Fury is mounting within the Tory party, with some questioning the actions of Chancellor Rishi Sunak's government. One senior Tory expressed anger over the banning of smoking and increased taxes, stating that it isn't enough. While no serious discussion of a new leader has emerged, there are growing whispers about the future of the Chancellor.

Hope Needed from Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt, a prominent Tory figure, urgently needs to provide some hope in next month's Autumn Statement. Failure to do so may result in an overwhelming chorus of calls for his resignation.