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Senior Tories Set to Mutiny at Party Conference over Tax Cuts

Senior Tories Set to Mutiny at Party Conference over Tax Cuts

Influential MPs Stage 'Unprecedented Intervention' to Demand Tax Cuts

Senior members of the Conservative Party are planning to stage an "unprecedented intervention" at the party's conference to call for tax cuts. The move threatens to overshadow Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's hard-hitting policy announcements on smoking and education.

New Conservatives Push for Tax Cuts

The New Conservatives, an influential group of MPs, will lead the charge at the conference by demanding tax cuts. They argue that high taxes are stifling growth and call for the VAT threshold for small firms to be raised from £85,000 to £250,000. This change would benefit white van men and women, who have been hit by increasing VAT payments each year since 2017.

Demands from the New Conservatives

In addition to tax cuts, the New Conservatives also want woke trans ideology banned in schools, immigration reduced, and apprenticeships boosted. Co-chair of the group, Danny Kruger, says these policies are polling-proven and would demonstrate the party's commitment to voters' values.

Liz Truss Calls for Return to Tax-Cutting Agenda

Former Prime Minister Liz Truss, who is another rebel Tory, will also be making her voice heard at the conference. Truss will urge Sunak to return to her tax-cutting agenda and lower the Corporation Tax rate back down to 19%. It currently stands at 25%. Truss argues that reducing taxes is vital for stimulating economic growth and making the Conservative Party the party of business once again.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Red Wall MPs Demand New Home Construction

The Northern Research Group of Red Wall MPs will add to the chorus of demands by calling for the construction of 500,000 new homes. This request reflects their commitment to improving housing availability and affordability.

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