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Priti Patel Criticizes Gender Ideology and Calls for Parental Rights in Schools

Priti Patel Criticizes Gender Ideology and Calls for Parental Rights in Schools

Priti Patel, former Home Secretary, delivered a scathing attack on gender ideology during a rally, arguing that parents should have a say in their children's education.

Rejecting Woke Ideas

Priti Patel expressed her dismay at what she described as "woke ideas" being promoted by taxpayer-funded organizations. She blamed the prevalence of these ideas on a culture of "political correction" that she believes has infiltrated schools, councils, and government departments in Whitehall.

Blaming Socialism

The senior Tory MP levels blame for this "corrosive culture" on socialism. Patel argues that the influence of socialist ideals has led to the erosion of parents' rights and the targeting of children around gender issues.

A Concerning Trend

Speaking at a rally for the New Conservatives in Manchester, Patel expressed her horror at the treatment of parents in relation to gender issues in schools. She stated, "We need to call out these appalling ideas and we have to reject them. I’m horrified by what I hear from parents. I just find it very, very concerning where children are being targeted around gender issues, parents’ rights are now being taken away."

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Returning Power to Parents

Patel emphasized the need for parents to have a voice in their children's education. She called for the Conservative party to regain control in local bodies and schools to ensure that the rights of parents are respected. "We do now need to go back to our institutions, back to our schools, and give, for example, parents the right to say ‘no’. It’s as simple as that," she said.