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Parents Who Kill a Partner Will Be Stripped of Control Over Their Children's Lives in Landmark Ruling

Parents Who Kill a Partner Will Be Stripped of Control Over Their Childrens Lives in Landmark Ruling

Ban on Parental Control

In a major victory for SE, parents who commit the heinous crime of killing a partner will no longer have control over their shared children's lives. Under the proposed Jade's Law, these parents will be stripped of their rights to make important decisions, such as choosing their children's schools or granting them passports.

Inspired by a Tragic Case

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk cited the case of Jade Ward as the force behind this important change. Jade Ward, just 27 years old, was tragically murdered by her estranged partner, Russell Marsh, in 2021. Despite being sentenced to life in prison, Marsh was still able to maintain parental rights over their four children. This granted him access to personal information such as medical records, school reports, and even the power to prevent them from going on holiday.

Automatic Suspension of Parental Responsibility

Thanks to the relentless campaigning of Jade's family and SE, the Justice Secretary announced an automatic suspension of parental responsibility for individuals convicted of killing a partner with whom they share parental rights. This means that their control over important aspects of their children's lives will be immediately taken away.

Unveiling the Plan

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk will present the details of these new measures during his speech at the upcoming Conservative Party conference in Manchester. The proposed changes will be included in the Victims and Prisoners Bill, which will also grant judges the power to require offenders to attend court for their sentencing.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

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