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Matt Hancock Accused of Wanting to Decide Who Should Live or Die During Covid, NHS Chief Claims

Matt Hancock Accused of Wanting to Decide Who Should Live or Die During Covid, NHS Chief Claims

Lord Simon Stevens Reveals Shocking Allegations

In a stunning revelation at the Covid inquiry, Lord Simon Stevens, the former NHS England chief executive, claimed that Matt Hancock, the former Health Secretary, wanted to have the power to determine "who should live and who should die" if hospitals became overwhelmed during the pandemic. According to Lord Stevens, Hancock believed that he should make such life-and-death decisions instead of leaving them to the medical profession or the public.

No Crystallisation of the Dilemma

Fortunately, Lord Stevens stated that this "horrible dilemma" never came to pass. Hospitals did not become overwhelmed to the point where such decisions needed to be made. However, Lord Stevens made it clear that he did not support the idea of an individual Secretary of State being responsible for determining how care would be provided.

Senior Ministers Avoided Meetings Chaired by Hancock

In addition to the shocking allegations, Lord Stevens also revealed that senior ministers often avoided attending Cobra meetings chaired by Matt Hancock. Instead, they would delegate the responsibility to their junior ministers. This suggests a lack of confidence and support for Hancock's leadership during the crisis.

Defending Hancock Against Accusations

Despite the criticism faced by Matt Hancock for his handling of the pandemic, Sir Christopher Wormald, the Health Department's top civil servant, came to his defense. Wormald stated that while many people felt Hancock had been "over-optimistic" in his promises and predictions, very few believed that he was intentionally lying. According to Wormald, the majority of the criticism stemmed from unrealistic expectations and not deliberate dishonesty.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

It is clear that Matt Hancock's actions and decisions during the Covid crisis continue to be a topic of debate and scrutiny. The revelations made by Lord Simon Stevens shed light on the perceived power dynamics and the challenges faced by the government in managing the pandemic.

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