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Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Slams PM’s Tax Plans as Robbing Peter to Pay Peter

Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Slams PM’s Tax Plans as Robbing Peter to Pay Peter

Rachel Reeves, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, has criticized Rishi Sunak’s tax plans, accusing the Tories of "robbing Peter to pay...Peter". Reeves argues that the Conservative government has failed on multiple fronts, including immigration, the NHS, and the economy. She further claims that the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is misleading the public by pretending that everything is going well, despite the shrinking economy and record levels of debt.

Labour’s Growth Plan for a Stronger Economy

Reeves emphasizes the need for a government that has a plan to grow the economy. She believes that Labour’s growth plan, which aims to create jobs, cut bills, and prioritize homegrown energy, offers a better alternative. Additionally, Labour intends to focus on building new homes, reforming the NHS, increasing police presence, and tackling criminal networks involved in small boat crossings.

Labour’s Commitment to Responsible Financial Management

Reeves asserts that Labour has changed its approach to fiscal responsibility. The party now promises to only make fully costed and funded pledges. For instance, when Labour pledges two million extra NHS appointments, it also commits to closing non-don tax loopholes that allow the super rich to avoid paying their fair share. This approach, according to Reeves, represents a proper plan for national renewal and a brighter future for Britain.

Remember that the information above is based on Rachel Reeves' statements and may not reflect the views of all political parties.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk