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Rishi Sunak Claims General Election Will Be a Choice Between Tory Tax Cuts and "Waffle" from Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak Claims General Election Will Be a Choice Between Tory Tax Cuts and Waffle from Keir Starmer

The Prime Minister Outlines His 2024 Mission

Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, has stated that this year's general election will come down to a clear choice between Tory tax cuts or what he refers to as "waffle" from Labour leader Keir Starmer. In an article for The Sun on Sunday, Sunak outlined his mission for 2024, which focuses on building a Britain where hard work is always rewarded.

Tory Pledge to Cut Taxes

Sunak emphasized that due to the progress made in driving down inflation and improving the economy, the Conservative party is now in a position to follow through on their promise to cut taxes. He celebrated the recent introduction of a 2p cut to National Insurance, stating that this move will benefit every working person in the country.

Labour's Plans Criticized

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to criticize Labour's approach, accusing them of trying to deceive the public with their unfunded spending plans. He specifically targeted Starmer's proposed £28 billion annual spending on eco measures, labeling it as an "unfunded spending spree". Sunak argued that the choice facing the country is between the Conservatives delivering on their promises and Labour's tired obsession with old politics and evasions.

Progress on Five Priorities

Sunak highlighted the progress made on his five priorities, including significantly reducing inflation from 10.7 percent to 3.9 percent. He also mentioned the decrease in the number of people coming to the country illegally and emphasized the importance of passing legislation on Rwanda, which is seen as crucial for deportation flights.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Overall, Sunak urged the British public to feel confident that a better year for Britain lies ahead and to consider the choice they will make in the upcoming general election.

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