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Former Home Secretary Accuses Rishi Sunak of Betrayal in Scathing Letter

Former Home Secretary Accuses Rishi Sunak of Betrayal in Scathing Letter

Accusations of Weak Leadership and Broken Promises

Suella Braverman, the recently sacked Home Secretary, has launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in a letter, accusing him of betraying his promises to the nation. Braverman criticized Sunak's leadership as "weak" and called for an urgent change in course.

Reneged Deal and Failed Policies

In her letter, Braverman claimed that Sunak had gone back on a deal they made when she supported his bid for leadership. The deal included reducing legal migration, taking a tougher stance on stopping illegal immigration, and protecting single-sex spaces. Braverman accused Sunak of failing to deliver on these key policies.

Reluctance to Overrule ECHR Migration Judgements

Braverman also criticized Sunak's reluctance to overrule migration judgments by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), calling it a betrayal of their agreement and Sunak's promise to do "whatever it takes" to stop illegal immigration.

Concerns of Right-Wing Tories

Braverman's parting shot comes as right-wing Tory supporters express their concerns about Sunak's reshuffle and the perceived shift to the center ground. Co-Chairs of the New Conservatives, Miriam Cates and Danny Kruger, accuse Sunak of abandoning the voters who supported the party in the last election.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Supporters and Critics React

Braverman's supporters argue that she was sacked for speaking the truth and accuse Sunak of caving in to the left. Conservative MPs Andrea Jenkyns and Jacob Rees-Mogg expressed their support for Braverman, while Sunak's press secretary emphasized the need for a united and strong government team.

It is the second time Braverman has been fired as Home Secretary, and she recently sparked controversy by stating that living in tents was a "lifestyle choice" for many homeless people.

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