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Conservatives' Battle Plan to Defeat Labour in Next Election

Conservatives Battle Plan to Defeat Labour in Next Election


Conservative MPs are preparing for Christmas with their families, but the looming re-election has them worried. Despite Labour's double-digit poll lead, there is still hope for the Conservatives. Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak believe that Labour's lead is not as strong as it seems.

Fight against Sir Keir Starmer

Conservatives must focus on fighting Labour, not each other. Rishi Sunak should come out swinging in January to give Labour a tough challenge at the election. Sir Keir Starmer remains an enigma to the British public, and his lack of clear identity presents an opportunity for Conservatives.

Economic Growth

The economy needs a boost after the post-Covid shocks. High taxes, which are expected to rise to 37% of national income in 2024, are hindering growth. Chancellor Rishi Sunak must take swift action to lower taxes and help kick-start economic growth. People need to feel better off and see the sacrifices they made during the pandemic paying off.

Migration Control

Controlling legal and illegal migration is a priority for the Conservatives. In 2024, efforts to stop illegal migration must be intensified to fulfill the Prime Minister's pledge. Demonstrating a strong stance against people smugglers will resonate with the British people. In contrast, Labour's policy of getting closer to the EU could result in increased migration.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Net Zero Targets

The spiraling costs of the Net Zero targets should not burden the public. Conservatives must listen to the concerns of the public and avoid squeezing them further. Labour's green policies, which include an additional green cost of £28 billion, will only worsen the financial strain on the British public. Aligning with the public's views on this issue will improve Conservative polling.

Protecting Safe Spaces

The Conservatives aim to protect the rights of biological adult females by ensuring their safe spaces, such as female toilets and hospital wards, are respected. They oppose the idea of self-identifying as women without regard for biology. Labour has been weak on this issue, causing many women to feel unwanted in the party. Conservatives must fight against the cancel culture that suppresses free speech.


To win the next election, Conservatives must land heavy blows on Sir Keir Starmer by highlighting the choice on the economy, migration, Net Zero costs, and cancel culture. This upcoming election will be a tough fight, but it's time for the Conservatives to regain their fighting spirit.