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Chances of Cabinet Reshuffle '50-50' as Rishi Sunak Battles Tory Rift over Suella Braverman

Chances of Cabinet Reshuffle 50-50 as Rishi Sunak Battles Tory Rift over Suella Braverman

PM Urged to Sack Home Secretary

MPs are calling for Prime Minister Boris Johnson to sack Home Secretary Suella Braverman after she claimed that police show favoritism towards left-wing demonstrators in a recent Times article. Downing Street insiders say that the chances of a Cabinet reshuffle stand at 50-50, with Rishi Sunak working to contain the Tory rift.

Possible Reshuffle on the Horizon

According to senior sources, if a reshuffle were to happen, there is a 75% chance that Suella Braverman would leave her current position. The piece she wrote was not cleared by No 10. Mr. Sunak has not yet made a decision, but a ruling on the reshuffle is expected tomorrow afternoon after Remembrance Sunday ceremonies.

Supreme Court Decision Looms

The Supreme Court will decide on the legality of the controversial Rwanda scheme championed by Braverman on Wednesday. A government win in this case could potentially buy her a reprieve.

PM's Spokesman Expresses Confidence

The Prime Minister's spokesman has expressed "full confidence" in Braverman and emphasized their good working relationship. However, her Cabinet colleagues are finding it difficult to defend her comments in interviews.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Tory Civil War Risk

While some Conservative MPs are calling for Braverman's dismissal, others are warning that sacking her could lead to a Tory civil war. Ex-No 10 pollster James Johnson believes that her message resonates with the voters the Tories need to hold on to in the next election.

Ongoing Investigation

An investigation into Braverman's unauthorised article by No 10 is expected to conclude next week at the earliest.