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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Suella Braverman?

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Suella Braverman?

Unlucky General Rishi Sunak Caught in Rift with Suella Braverman

It was supposed to be a week of Labour infighting, but instead, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak found himself in the middle of a major rift with his own party. Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, ignited controversy with an incendiary article in The Times, causing tensions to rise within the Conservative Party.

PM Contemplates Firing Braverman

Sources reveal that there were discussions about sacking Braverman on Thursday, but fears of internal conflict within the party prevented the decision. Critics believe that Sunak made a deal with the devil by allowing Braverman to become a key figure in his government, and they question how he will handle her in the future.

Tories Struggle to Gain Momentum

Downing Street has been facing challenges in recent weeks, as their major reset plans failed to resonate with the public. The legislative agenda for the next year received a lackluster response, leaving the Tories searching for ways to regain momentum.

Suella Braverman's Provocative Article

Braverman's article in The Times accused the police of favoritism and sparked a potential conflict with Scotland Yard. While Sunak distanced himself from the article, leaked emails suggest that his team was aware of its contents and attempted to tone it down.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Reshuffle and New Home Secretary?

There are rumors of a possible reshuffle next week, with a 75% chance of a new Home Secretary. Despite the risks of backlash from the right of the party, the decision may be made to remove Braverman from her position.

Divisions Within Sunak's Inner Circle

Support for Braverman is divided among those who agree with her stance on protest issues, those who view her as too hard-line ideologically, and those who see her as disloyal and causing trouble within the party.

Braverman's Controversial History

Braverman has a history of causing trouble within the party, from challenging Theresa May over Brexit to publicly calling for Boris Johnson's resignation. Critics argue that she is ineffective, while her defenders claim she is blocked by a hesitant Prime Minister.

The Dilemma for Rishi Sunak

Sunak finds himself facing a difficult decision on how to handle Braverman. While some believe she is critical to holding the party together and appealing to their voter base, others question whether she is worth the trouble.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

The Lawyers Could Save Braverman

Oddly enough, it may be the lawyers that come to Braverman's rescue. The Supreme Court is set to rule on the legality of the government's deportation scheme next week. If the government wins the case, it could boost their position on immigration issues. However, if they lose, Braverman may resign to lead the resistance against the Human Rights Act.

As Sunak and his team grapple with the question of how to solve the problem of Suella Braverman, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the Home Secretary.

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