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Boris Johnson Defends His Pandemic Decisions at Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson Defends His Pandemic Decisions at Covid Inquiry

Delaying the First Lockdown

Boris Johnson will be facing tough questioning today at the Covid inquiry regarding the delayed implementation of the first lockdown. However, the former Prime Minister will argue that he made the right decisions in key moments throughout the pandemic.

Getting the Big Calls Right

Despite admitting to making mistakes, Boris Johnson will highlight the decisions he got right during the early days of the pandemic. This includes the successful rollout of the vaccine programme, with the UK administering the first Covid-19 jab in the world in December 2020.

Considerations and Warnings

When considering the timing of the first lockdown, Boris Johnson was warned about various factors. This included the potential impact on schoolchildren, the economy, and mental health. Chief medical adviser Sir Chris Whitty emphasized the importance of finding the right balance between going too early and risking public fatigue.

Ministerial Mistakes and Life-Saving Decisions

While acknowledging the mistakes made by his ministers, Boris Johnson is expected to highlight that the decisions made by Whitehall ultimately saved lives. He is also set to issue an unreserved apology during his appearance at the Covid inquiry in London.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Addressing Controversial Claims

Boris Johnson will also address controversial claims made by ex-aide Dominic Cummings. This includes allegations that the Prime Minister suggested using a "special hair dryer" to destroy the virus and made comments about letting "the bodies pile high" rather than imposing further restrictions on the economy.

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