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Asylum Seekers Pretend to be Gay to "Game the System" and Settle in Britain, Claims Home Secretary

Asylum Seekers Pretend to be Gay to Game the System and Settle in Britain, Claims Home Secretary

The Claim

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has accused illegal migrants of pretending to be gay in order to "game the system" and gain entry into the UK. According to Braverman, these individuals lie about their sexuality to receive special treatment at the border.

Outdated Refugee Convention

In a recent speech in Washington DC, Braverman called for world leaders to revisit the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. While she acknowledged its historical significance, Braverman argued that changes in global circumstances necessitate a reassessment of asylum rules.

Gaming the System

During an interview with ITV News, the Home Secretary reiterated her assertions, stating that people "game the system" by claiming to be homosexual in order to receive preferential treatment. Braverman emphasized that this practice is unfair and not in line with how the asylum system should work.

Criticism and Defiance

Braverman's comments have sparked criticism from LGBT+ charities and activists. Elton John expressed concern over the Home Secretary's stance, highlighting the persecution faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in many countries. Nevertheless, Braverman remains defiant, stating that it is important to distinguish between persecution and discrimination.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Seeking Clarity

Braverman emphasized the need for honesty in assessing asylum claims and determining what constitutes persecution. She reiterated the UK's commitment to welcoming those fleeing persecution while asserting that the same protections may not apply to cases based solely on discrimination.