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Reckon You've Got Strong Passwords? Think Again

Reckon Youve Got Strong Passwords? Think Again


Cybersecurity experts have revealed dangerous password habits that could put your online security at risk. From using easily cracked passwords to making common number mistakes, it's important to be aware of these bad password practices.

The Importance of Length and Complexity

According to Darren James, Senior Product Manager at Specops Software, longer and more complex passwords are significantly harder to crack. Avoid using passwords like "Cleopatra" or "GGGGGGGG" in your apps, as these are easily compromised. Remember, equipping yourself with strong, lengthy passwords is not a foolproof way to avoid cyberattacks.

Mistake: Using Common Lengths

The most common length for compromised passwords is eight characters, according to Specops Software. A whopping 212.5 million passwords were this length and vulnerable to attacks. As the character length increases, significantly fewer passwords are compromised. For instance, only 31.1 million passwords over 16 characters long were hacked or leaked.

Mistake: Using Numbers Only

Using numbers only in your passwords can make it easier for hackers to crack them. The report emphasizes the importance of using a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols to enhance security. Combining these elements with a large number of characters can exponentially increase the difficulty for your password to be hacked.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

The Danger List

Specops Software has compiled a list of commonly compromised passwords based on their character length:

  • 8 characters: password, research, GGGGGGGG
  • 9 characters: GGGGGGGGG, anandIGBZ, cleopatra
  • 10 characters: OOOOOOOOOO, GGGGGGGGGG, passwordGG
  • 11 characters: Sym_cskill, sym_skillO, FoxracingII
  • 12 characters: sym_cskillOT, sym_cskillOG, sym_cskillOB
  • 13 characters: mcafeeptfcorp, CirixTargusI, rubyflankerG
  • 14 characters: hacktheplanetI, trendmirco.com, Minecraft.A.S
  • 15 characters: SY&cutskillsIO, Sym_newhireOEIE, sym_newhireOAIE

If you use any of these passwords, it's crucial to change your login details immediately to protect yourself from potential attacks.

The Risks of Reusing Compromised Passwords

Criminals often try to use commonly leaked passwords on various accounts to see if they've been used by other people. By reusing compromised passwords, your login can be hacked "instantly". However, the bigger risk lies in attackers gaining access to a database of passwords from a less secure website. Even if the passwords are hashed, the attacker has all the time in the world to crack them and potentially identify their users.

So remember, always prioritize the security of your passwords by choosing lengthy, complex combinations and avoiding common mistakes.

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