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Google rolls out new auto-archiving feature for Android to help declutter your phone

Google rolls out new auto-archiving feature for Android to help declutter your phone

If you're someone who tends to download loads of apps and then forget about them, you're not alone. It can be a real pain to go through and manually delete each one. Luckily, Google is here to save the day with a brand new feature on Android.

Expanded auto-archiving tool

Google has expanded its little-known auto-archiving tool that was previously only activated when your phone was low on space. It was also limited to certain devices. However, the tool is now rolling out to everyone and can be activated to work on any neglected apps long before your storage fills up.

What happens to archived apps?

When you archive an app, the app icon remains on your phone as though it's still there. However, the main part of the app is removed, but any data associated with it is kept. If you tap on the app, your phone will re-download it in full, with all your save points and settings intact.

For example, if there's a game you haven't played in ages, you can archive it to free up space without losing your progress. When you decide to play it again, simply re-install the app and everything will be as it was.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

How to activate auto-archiving

To make use of this auto-archiving feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play app on your Android phone
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Select General
  4. Look for "Automatically archive apps" and switch it on

By enabling this feature, you no longer have to worry about cluttering up your phone with unused apps. Let Google do the work for you by automatically archiving them and freeing up valuable storage space.

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