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Boost your Wi-Fi instantly by turning off this app

Boost your Wi-Fi instantly by turning off this app

Having Wi-Fi problems? Don't always blame your network provider. It could be your antivirus software causing the issue. Find out how to fix it and boost your Wi-Fi instantly.

The culprits closer to home

It's not just the objects around your house that can disrupt your Wi-Fi signal. Your computer or laptop itself may be the root cause. One potential source? Your antivirus software.

Blocking the signal

Your antivirus software acts as a gatekeeper of your network by blocking risky traffic. But sometimes it can also block or interfere with certain apps, leading to slow Wi-Fi. Before trying anything else, check if your antivirus has any updates available that may resolve the issue.

Temporarily turning off your antivirus

If there are no updates, you may want to try a quick test with your antivirus turned off. It's important to exercise caution when turning off your antivirus, and remember to turn it back on once you're done. But for a brief moment, turning off the antivirus could help identify if it's causing the Wi-Fi problem.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Getting it fixed

If turning off your antivirus temporarily resolves the issue, you'll need to contact your antivirus provider to find out how to fix it. They can provide guidance on adjusting the settings to prevent interference with your Wi-Fi. However, if your Wi-Fi connection doesn't improve after turning off the antivirus, you may need to explore other options.

Consider moving your router

If all else fails, it might be time to consider moving your router. Sometimes, simply changing its position can make a significant difference in the Wi-Fi signal strength. Experiment with different locations to find the best spot for your router.

Remember, if you have any interesting stories or tech-related news, email our SE Online Tech & Science team at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!

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