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YouTuber Doubles Salary by Playing Football Manager Full-Time

YouTuber Doubles Salary by Playing Football Manager Full-Time

Switching Careers

A YouTuber named Tom Kelsey has made a bold career move by quitting his job to play the popular video game Football Manager full-time. The 26-year-old from Lincoln, England, used to work as a business support assistant at Lincolnshire County Council before deciding to pursue his passion for gaming.

Doubled Salary

According to Tom, he has seen a significant increase in his income since making the switch. He claims to have doubled his salary and now earns £50,000 annually, compared to the £25,000 he made in his previous job.

YouTube Success

Tom started a YouTube channel dedicated to Football Manager while studying at Nottingham Trent University. His channel now has nearly 120,000 subscribers and attracts around one million views per month. As his channel grew in popularity, Tom started earning money from advertisements.

The Freedom of Gaming

Tom cites the freedom he has as a full-time gamer as the best part of his new career. Being his own boss and having the ability to make his own choices is what he loves most about his job. He now operates his gaming channel from his bedroom at his parents' house.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

A Dream Job

Despite spending 50 to 60 hours per week playing Football Manager, Tom considers it a dream job. He acknowledges that it may seem like a very unusual career path, but he is passionate about what he does and plans to continue as long as he can.

Success Story

Tom's story is not unique in the world of gaming. Another gamer named Natalie Barnes from Greater Manchester turned her love for gaming into a full-time job, earning an impressive £7,000 per month. She started her gaming career from her bedroom and has never looked back.

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