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Survey Reveals Best Sports Players in Bed - Darts Players Take the Lead!

Survey Reveals Best Sports Players in Bed - Darts Players Take the Lead!

Darts Players Top the Charts

A recent survey has uncovered some surprising results about sports players and their performance in the bedroom. According to the poll, darts players are the best in bed, always hitting the bullseye with their partners. This news is sure to be a boost for stars like Stephen Bunting and Adrian Lewis, who are known for their skills on the darts board.

Swimmers and Footballers Follow Suit

Coming in second place were swimmers, with 16 percent of the vote, while footballers claimed the third spot. It seems that these athletes know how to make a splash both in the pool and between the sheets.

Table Tennis Players, Cricketers, and Boxers at the Bottom

Unfortunately, not all sports players fared well in the survey. Table tennis players, cricketers, and boxers were voted as the worst in the sack. Perhaps it's time for these athletes to up their game when it comes to bedroom performance.

From Smoke-Filled Pubs to Fitness Regimes

Pub darts player Andy Collins shared his insight on the changing landscape of darts. He explained that in the past, darts players would drink and smoke heavily during games. However, things have changed. Nowadays, darts players are embracing fitness regimes and healthy diets. This shift has not only improved their energy levels on the board but also in the bedroom.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Darts Players Steal the Spotlight

The spokesman for illicitencounters.com, the website that commissioned the survey, expressed their surprise at the results. They mentioned that darts players have stolen the spotlight from traditionally sexy sports like swimming and football. It seems that these players have taken their game to a whole new level.

Remember that these results are based on a survey and individual experiences may vary. In the realm of sports and romance, it's all about finding the right partner to create a winning combination.

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