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Sky Brown Inspires Surge in Girls Taking Up Skateboarding

Sky Brown Inspires Surge in Girls Taking Up Skateboarding

Olympic Heroics Lead to Increase in Female Skateboarders

New figures reveal that the number of girls taking up skateboarding has risen by a fifth since Sky Brown's impressive performance at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. At just 13 years old, Brown became the youngest British medallist of all time, winning the bronze medal in skateboarding. Her success has inspired a surge in girls trying out the sport.

New Study Shows Rise in Participation

A study of 500 girls aged 10-16 found that 64% of them have now given skateboarding a try, with half of those directly attributing their interest to Sky Brown's Olympic achievements. The data from Skateboard GB also indicates a 20% increase in the number of girls taking up skateboarding in the UK over the past three years.

Sky Brown Encourages Others to Try Skateboarding

Partnered with Samsung, which commissioned the research, Sky Brown expressed her excitement about inspiring others to try skateboarding. She emphasized the importance of the right attitude and perseverance, saying, "I can feel people in the UK getting behind our sport and I can't wait to see where we can take it together."

Confidence and Barriers

The research found that 65% of young girls consider Sky Brown a role model, but 14% of those who haven't tried skateboarding admit they don't know where to start. Among adults aged 18-34, 52% wouldn't feel confident about trying skateboarding for the first time. Fear of embarrassment and failure were cited as common barriers.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

A Growing Community

Despite these barriers, the study revealed that 43% of nervous adults are attracted to the idea of being part of a skateboarding scene or community. Additionally, 25% of kids who have tried skateboarding have shared their experiences online through photos or videos.

Capturing the Journey

While half of the adults polled expressed a desire to capture evidence of their skateboarding efforts through pictures or videos on their smartphones, many lack the confidence to try the sport. However, 76% of 10-16 year-olds polled enjoy trying new things and challenging themselves.

Join the Skateboarding Movement

From 1st December, people will have the opportunity to book a spot at one of the 'Drop in with Samsung Flip Park' experiences. The partnership between Samsung and Skateboard GB aims to empower the next generation to embody a fearless attitude and break down barriers.

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