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Joey Barton Sacked by Bristol Rovers After Playground Bully Behavior

Joey Barton Sacked by Bristol Rovers After Playground Bully Behavior

Joey Barton's time at Bristol Rovers has finally come to an end, and good riddance. The former football star has a long history of toxic behavior and bullying, making him unfit for the game. His recent comments about Stevenage boss Steve Evans, where he referred to him as a "fat man" and "weeble," are just the latest in a string of diatribes. Barton's behavior goes against the inclusive and welcoming nature of English football today, and he should be put out to pasture.

The Impact of Barton's Bullying

Barton's bullying behavior not only affects the individuals he targets, but also has a wider impact on the game and society. Imagine how children who are being bullied at school because of their weight feel when they read Barton's comments. It sends a message that it's okay to target someone based on their appearance. This flies in the face of the work being done to tackle obesity and promote mental health initiatives in football, including the Fit Fans project supported by Bristol Rovers.

Barton's Hypocrisy and Poor Decision Making

Not only is Barton a bully, but he is also a hypocrite. He has repeatedly let his teammates down with his own poor decision making on the field. From getting sent off in vital games to receiving a six-month suspension for gambling, Barton's actions have compromised his teams. It's ironic that he would criticize his own player, Luke Thomas, calling him an "idiotic young boy," when Barton himself has a history of violent behavior, including stubbing a cigar in a fellow player's eye and causing head injuries to a teammate.

Barton's Sexist Comments

Barton's bullying behavior extends beyond the pitch to his sexist remarks. He has made derogatory comments about women on multiple occasions, including describing UKIP as the best of "four really ugly girls" compared to the three main political parties and agreeing with Kevin Keegan's statement that he doesn't "like listening to ladies talking about the England men's team." These comments are unacceptable and show a complete disregard for gender equality.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Time for Barton to Go

Joey Barton has had enough chances. His toxic behavior and bullying have no place in football. No club chairman should consider recruiting him again. It's time to show Barton the red card once and for all.

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