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Jack Grealish's £1 Million Mansion Raided: Was it an Inside Job?

Jack Grealishs £1 Million Mansion Raided: Was it an Inside Job?

Police Suspect Inside Job

Authorities are suspecting that the recent £1 million raid on Jack Grealish's mansion may have been an inside job. This suspicion arises from the fact that dozens of workmen had been in the property shortly before the incident occurred. The Three Lions star and his fiancée, Sasha Attwood, had just moved into the mansion five days before Christmas, following the completion of renovations by tradesmen.

Tipped Off?

Investigators are looking into the possibility that the thieves who broke into the £5.6 million pad were tipped off. The burglars gained access through an upstairs balcony. A source revealed that the criminals knew exactly where to find safes and jewellery counters, suggesting they may have had specific details provided by eyewitnesses who had recently been in the home. Another theory is that the burglars used information from Jack Grealish's planning application for an extension, which revealed the layout of his seven-bedroom property.

Quick Getaway

The raid took place last Wednesday evening while Grealish was playing in Manchester City's 3-1 Premier League win against Everton. By the time Grealish's partner and family downstairs realized what was happening and raised the alarm, the thieves had already made their escape.

Tightening Security

Former top detective Mick Neville has called on clubs to provide better home protection for their players. He emphasized the importance of establishing who has had access to the property over the last few months. City boss Pep Guardiola has also urged players to avoid flaunting their wealth online, as it was revealed that Grealish had been seen wearing £500,000 worth of different watches in recent weeks.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Jack Grealish's agent and Cheshire Police have been contacted for comment.

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