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UK School Investigated for Asking Students if Hamas Attack on Israel was "Fair"

UK School Investigated for Asking Students if Hamas Attack on Israel was Fair

Education Secretary Horrified by Classroom Material

A school is currently under investigation after it asked students whether Hamas's attack on Israel was "fair." Education Secretary Gillian Keegan expressed her shock and horror after seeing the classroom material that attempted to justify the October 7 attacks. The school slides, which have been shared on Mumsnet, sparked outrage among parents and the wider community.

Material Shared on Mumsnet

The controversial material was shared on the popular parenting website, Mumsnet, after students had discussed the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. According to a parent who raised the alarm, their child was shown 11 slides that focused on Israel's occupation of land and the suffering of Palestinians. The parent described the material as presenting a very "one-sided" view of the conflict.

Educating Students on Terrorism?

One particular slide asked students if it was "fair for Hamas to attack," and then called for their opinions on the conflict. The concerned parent argued that this was inviting students to justify terrorism. They also pointed out that while the material dedicated only one line to the Holocaust, it included two lines on the October 7 attacks.

Education Secretary's Response

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan wasted no time in responding to the situation. She condemned the material and stated that extremism has no place in education. Keegan has launched an urgent review and emphasized that anyone encouraging support for terrorists should face the full force of the law. This is not the first time that Keegan has been involved in issues surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, as she previously addressed the problem of students missing lessons to participate in protests supporting a ceasefire. She stressed that schools should take such absences seriously.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

This investigation serves as a reminder that schools have a responsibility to provide balanced and unbiased education to students, particularly when it comes to sensitive and complex topics like the Middle East conflict. Educators must ensure that their teaching materials promote understanding, empathy, and critical thinking rather than perpetuating one-sided views or justifying violence.

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