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UK Immigration Minister Considers Annual Migration Cap to Curb Arrivals

UK Immigration Minister Considers Annual Migration Cap to Curb Arrivals

Annual Cap on Migrants Being Considered in Effort to Reduce Numbers

An annual cap on migrants is being considered as part of a "serious package" to slash the numbers, according to UK immigration minister Robert Jenrick. He stated that there were "strong arguments" for implementing a hard ceiling on arrivals, which are causing "untold pressure" on Britain. A suite of tougher measures, including a crackdown on dependents and raising the salary threshold for visas, is also being drawn up.

Pressure Mounts on Rishi Sunak to Act as Net Migration Hits Record High

Rishi Sunak, the UK Chancellor, has faced increasing pressure to take action as net migration reached a record high of 745,000 last year. Urgent reforms are being considered in response to these numbers, with the aim of curbing the influx of migrants. However, it is believed that a cap on migration may not be included in the final plan due to its potential impact on the economy.

Conservative MPs Call for Migration Cap to Create Divide

Conservative MPs Lee Anderson and Marco Longhi have called for a cap on migration to create a clear divide between the UK and other countries. Anderson stated in the House of Commons that it was time to have a cap and differentiate the UK from "that lot over there," referring to other nations. Minister Robert Jenrick acknowledged the arguments for using caps but emphasized the need for further discussions within the government.

Immigration Minister Pushes for Tougher Measures

Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick has been privately advocating for harsher measures against migration, as proposed by former Home Secretary Suella Braverman. He expressed frustration with the delay in implementing his plan, stating that it would have been presented to the House before Christmas if possible. The public's patience for talk on the issue is wearing thin, according to Jenrick.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

No Specific Plan Identified by Downing Street

Downing Street has stated that they are unaware of the specific plan referred to by Minister Robert Jenrick. Reports suggesting the disapplication of European Human Rights law to the Rwanda plan being scotched by lawyers have been downplayed by No10. The government maintains that all options are still on the table, and Chancellor Rishi Sunak remains hopeful that flights will resume by spring.