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Two thirds of Brits support Rishi Sunak’s smoking ban, new poll reveals

Two thirds of Brits support Rishi Sunak’s smoking ban, new poll reveals

A new poll conducted by YouGov has found that two thirds of the British public are in favor of Rishi Sunak’s smoking ban. The ban would outlaw the sale of cigarettes to individuals born after 2009. The survey shows that 67 percent of people in England support this policy.

Support from across the political spectrum

According to the poll, Rishi Sunak’s smoking ban has garnered support from both Tory and Labour voters. Among Tory voters, 74 percent are in favor of the ban, while 72 percent of Labour supporters also agree with the policy.

New law expected to be passed before general election

A new law formalizing the smoking ban is anticipated to go through Parliament before the upcoming general election next year. This legislation is seen as a cross-party win for the health of the country.

Health organizations praise the policy

Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive of Action on Smoking and Health, commended the smoking ban as a significant step towards ending the smoking epidemic. She stated, "This is not a party-political issue in the UK, successive governments, backed by strong public and parliamentary support, have passed increasingly stringent tobacco regulations aimed at bringing the smoking epidemic to an end. The passing of the smokefree generation legislation promised in the King’s Speech, backed by increased investment to help adult smokers quit, can put us in pole position to achieve a smokefree future."

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Personal experiences drive support

Tory MP Bob Blackman, whose mother passed away from lung cancer at the age of 47, emphasized the personal nature of his support for the smoking ban. He stated, "No one wants to see children start smoking, which is why support for this policy is so high across the political spectrum. As MPs, we see the impact smoking has in our communities, and many of us have first-hand experience in our own lives as well."