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Tory MPs Alarmed Over Rishi Sunak's Rwanda Bill, Claim it Needs 'Major Surgery'

Tory MPs Alarmed Over Rishi Sunaks Rwanda Bill, Claim it Needs Major Surgery

Rebel Tory MPs have warned Chancellor Rishi Sunak that they have enough numbers to defeat his emergency Rwanda bill in the House of Commons. Right-wing MPs argue that the new deportation law is too weak and full of loopholes, and they will not support it without significant changes.

Rebellion Looms

The bill, which is set for a vote tomorrow, has caused a split among Conservative MPs. Left-wing Conservatives have stated that they will only vote in favor of the bill if it is not strengthened further in the parliamentary process. However, more than 40 right-wing MPs are considering abstaining from the vote and seeking to amend the bill at a later date, or even striking it out entirely today.

"It's Now or Never"

There is growing concern among the right-wing MPs that this is their last chance to make changes to the bill. If the bill is defeated at the Second Reading stage tomorrow, it would be the first time since 1986 that a new law was rejected at this stage.

Call for Major Surgery

Rebel ringleader Mark Francois, who is leading the charge against the bill, has urged Rishi Sunak to withdraw the legislation and start from scratch. Francois claims that the bill is full of loopholes and needs significant changes to be fit for purpose.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Tough Choices for Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is facing a make-or-break 24 hours as he tries to salvage his Rwanda plan. He needs to prevent 28 MPs from rebelling or 56 from abstaining in order to secure the passage of the bill. Leading rebel Mark Francois argues that the bill is only a partial solution and significant amendments are needed to make it watertight.

Nigel Farage's Criticism

Nigel Farage, a prominent right-wing figure, has criticized Rishi Sunak's Rwanda bill, calling it an "absolute cop out" and a "total joke." Farage has urged Tory MPs to vote against the bill, claiming that it does not fulfill the election promises made by the Conservative Party.

It remains to be seen whether Rishi Sunak can rally enough support to pass his Rwanda bill or if it will require major surgery to satisfy the concerns of rebel MPs.

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