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Tory MP Peter Bone Faces Six-Week Suspension After Sexual Assault Allegations

Tory MP Peter Bone Faces Six-Week Suspension After Sexual Assault Allegations

Parliament's Sleaze Watchdog Finds Bone Guilty of Bullying and Indecent Exposure

Veteran Tory MP Peter Bone is set to face a six-week suspension from the Commons after being found guilty of severe bullying and indecent exposure by parliament's sleaze watchdog. In a bombshell report released by the Independent Expert Panel, it was revealed that Bone had exposed himself to a male staffer in a Madrid hotel room in 2013. The report also outlined multiple allegations of bullying, including incidents of violence, shouting, mocking, and humiliating behavior. Bone has denied all the allegations.

Bone Denies All Allegations

In a statement, Bone maintained his innocence, stating that the alleged misconduct had never taken place. He claimed that the allegations referred to events that occurred more than 10 years ago, spanning only a few months. Bone also criticized the timing of the complainant's accusations, stating that they were made years after they had left his employment and were never raised during their time working together.

Potential Recall Petition and By-Election

If Parliament approves the recommended suspension, Bone could face a recall petition from his constituents, which may trigger a by-election in his Wellingborough seat. Despite the allegations, Bone has vowed to continue in his role as an MP.

Details of the Allegations

The report outlined several shocking incidents, including physical violence towards the complainant, as well as an "unwanted and humiliating ritual" imposed by Bone that required the staffer to put his hands in his lap when the MP was dissatisfied with his work. The complainant was also allegedly pressured to give Bone massages in the office.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Bone Criticizes Investigation Process

Mr. Bone criticized the Panel's investigation into his behavior, claiming that it was flawed and procedurally unfair.

By-Elections for Rishi Sunak's Constituencies

The release of the Bone report coincides with two by-elections taking place this Thursday. Constituents in Tamworth will vote to replace Chris Pincher, who resigned amid allegations of groping two men at a private members' club. In Mid Bedfordshire, voters will choose a new representative following the resignation of Nadine Dorries in protest of Boris Johnson's removal from No10.