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Tory MP Claims Online Porn is Influencing Children to Become Transgender

Tory MP Claims Online Porn is Influencing Children to Become Transgender

Rising star Tory MP, Miriam Cates, has raised concerns about the impact of online pornography on children, stating that it is inspiring them to identify as transgender. Speaking at a Tory Conference fringe event on safeguarding, Cates highlighted the prevalence of "trans porn" and its influence on young people. She warned that the increasing exposure to extreme and violent pornographic material on the internet could have long-lasting effects on society.

The Impact of Online Porn on Society

During her speech, Cates revealed that the average age at which children view extreme pornography is now 13, and the consequences of this exposure remain largely unknown. She noted that anecdotal evidence suggests that many trans women attribute their identification to transgender pornography. Cates expressed her belief that these explicit and disturbing materials available online play a significant role in shaping individuals' perception and understanding of their gender identity.

Call for Statutory Guidance on Trans Issues in Schools

In addition to her concerns about online porn, Cates urged the Department for Education to make its forthcoming guidance on transgender issues in schools legally binding. She criticized the department for apparently disregarding trans issues and argued that the guidance should be enforced to ensure consistent support for transgender students across all educational institutions.

PM's Reluctance to Address Trans Laws

There is growing anxiety among MPs that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will delay any new legislation on transgender rights to avoid sparking internal conflict within the Conservative Party. The long-awaited guidance for teachers on how to address gender identity in schools, originally scheduled for release in July, was suddenly pulled at the last minute. Leaked drafts suggested that students would require parental permission to transition at school and would be prohibited from participating in competitive sports.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Cates expressed frustration with the Department for Education's handling of the issue and called for the publication of the guidance to initiate a public discussion. Although aware that some schools and activists may ignore the guidance, she believes it is an essential step in raising awareness and bringing the debate surrounding transgender rights into the public sphere.

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