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Tory MP Ben Everitt Hits Back at Accusations of Posting 'Thirst Traps' on Instagram

Tory MP Ben Everitt Hits Back at Accusations of Posting Thirst Traps on Instagram

Tory MP Ben Everitt has responded to criticism from Labour critics who accused him of posting topless "thirst traps" on Instagram. Everitt, who represents Milton Keynes, defended his actions, stating that he is unapologetic about "keeping fighting fit" for his constituents.

Accusations of 'Thirst Traps' on Instagram

Ben Everitt, the Conservative MP for Milton Keynes, has faced accusations of posting "thirst traps" on Instagram. These accusations arose after Everitt shared photos of himself sunbathing in his constituency in August, while training for the Parliamentary Rugby World Cup.

Response to Accusations

After being accused of scaremongering by Labour leader Peter Marland over alleged plans to dump nuclear waste in Milton Keynes, Everitt hit back. He dismissed the claims as "Labour's claptrap" and asserted that he makes no apology for keeping physically fit for the people of Milton Keynes.

Understanding 'Thirst Traps'

A "thirst trap" refers to an attractive picture posted on social media with the intention of gaining attention from followers. Everitt's critics accused him of using such photos to attract attention on Instagram.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Denial of Nuclear Waste Plans

The Department for Energy and Net Zero, speaking on behalf of Everitt, has denied any plans to store or dispose of radioactive waste in or near Milton Keynes. They clarified that Milton Keynes was not formally considered as a site for the geological disposal facility.