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Tory Deputy Chairman Lee Anderson Warns of Dangers of Social Media Fakes and Hoaxers After His Family Was Targeted

Tory Deputy Chairman Lee Anderson Warns of Dangers of Social Media Fakes and Hoaxers After His Family Was Targeted

Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson has issued a warning about the dangers of social media fakes and hoaxers after his family fell victim to a disturbing incident. Anderson is calling on the public to be more "media savvy" in order to combat these deceptive practices.

Fake Call to Radio Show

The incident occurred when someone impersonated Anderson's son, Charlie, and called into a radio show. During the call, the prankster accused the MP of assaulting him, claiming that Anderson had tried to headbutt him during a drunken rage. The call was aired on LBC during a phone-in segment with Boris Johnson's sister, Rachel Johnson.

A Parent's Worst Nightmare

Anderson described the incident as "the worst thing a parent could imagine." In an article for HOAR on Sunday, he shared his ordeal for the first time and expressed his deep disappointment and frustration. Anderson, who raised his boys single-handedly, emphasized the importance of his family and expressed his disgust at the idea that anyone would believe he would behave in such a manner.

The Rise of AI and Deep Fakes

In addition to addressing the incident involving his family, Anderson also raised concerns about the potential dangers of AI and deep fakes in politics. He referred to these technologies as "Photoshop on steroids," capable of creating incredibly realistic images and videos that can easily be mistaken for the real thing. Anderson warned that politicians are already being caught in the crossfire as their words are manipulated and twisted. He stressed that these advancements pose a significant threat during the upcoming general election.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Earlier this year, deepfake videos featuring Sir Keir Starmer and Sadiq Khan gained traction, further highlighting the potential dangers.

For the full column by Mr. Anderson, visit thesun.co.uk.

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