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Top Cops Ordered to Crack Down on Foreign Nationals Spewing Anti-Semitic Hate

Top Cops Ordered to Crack Down on Foreign Nationals Spewing Anti-Semitic Hate

Home Office Minister Calls for Action Ahead of Pro-Palestine Rallies

Top cops have been instructed to crack down on foreign nationals who break visa rules by spewing anti-Semitic hate, according to Home Office Minister Robert Jenrick. The minister issued the order ahead of this weekend's pro-Palestine rallies, stating that the "special privilege" would be removed, leading to deportation.

Zero-Tolerance for Hate Crimes

The Home Office Minister has made it clear that offenders who spread hate crime must be "in no doubt" that their visas will be revoked by the government. In a letter to chief constables, Mr. Jenrick emphasized that those who abuse the privilege of being in the UK and cause harm to its citizens and values will face consequences.

Antisemitism and Glorification of Terrorism

Mr. Jenrick stressed the importance of balancing the right to freedom of expression with zero-tolerance for antisemitism and the glorification of proscribed terrorist groups. The Home Office aims to guarantee individuals' exercise of their rights while ensuring there is no place for hate speech or support for terrorism.

Surge in Racist Attacks

British Jews have experienced a shocking 541% increase in racist attacks since the devastating terrorist attack in Israel on October 7. The rise in hate incidents has been alarming, with incidents such as smearing red paint across Jewish schools and placing stickers with offensive messages on synagogues.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Call for Immediate Deportation

Former Chancellor Sajid Javid, whose parents immigrated to Britain from Pakistan, has called for immediate action. He urges Home Secretary Suella Braverman to step in and deport those responsible for these vile offences. Mr. Javid believes that individuals who commit hate crimes should face the full force of the law.