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Teachers and Pupils Will Not Be Punished for Using Wrong Pronouns, Trans Clampdown Warns

Teachers and Pupils Will Not Be Punished for Using Wrong Pronouns, Trans Clampdown Warns

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is set to release long-awaited guidance today regarding the treatment of transgender students in schools. The guidance states that teachers will no longer face punishment for using incorrect pronouns when referring to students. Additionally, schools will be advised to involve parents immediately if a child wishes to identify as a different gender, with exceptions only made in extreme circumstances. The guidance also emphasizes the importance of providing separate facilities for biological boys and girls, as well as allowing teachers to use their own judgment when it comes to mixed-gender sports activities.

Parents First Approach

The new guidance emphasizes the importance of involving parents in decisions regarding their children's gender identity. The default approach will be to consult with parents as soon as a child expresses a desire to socially transition. However, this approach may be overridden if parental involvement would put the child at risk.

No Punishment for Incorrect Pronouns

The guidance makes it clear that teachers and fellow students should not face sanctions for using incorrect pronouns when referring to transgender students, as long as it is not done in a bullying manner. This move aims to provide certainty and protection to teachers and students who may have felt pressured to use different pronouns in the past.

Separate Spaces for Boys and Girls

The guidance also stresses the importance of having separate sex spaces, such as toilets and changing rooms, for biological boys and girls. This measure aims to ensure the comfort and privacy of all students.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Exercise Caution

The government believes that parents should be involved in decisions about their children and that caution should be exercised when it comes to social transitioning in schools. The guidance strikes a balance between respecting a child's gender identity and considering the potential risks and concerns.

Delayed Publication and Potential Controversy

The trans guidance, which is not legally binding, has faced multiple delays and behind-the-scenes disagreements. Some right-wing MPs may argue that the guidance does not go far enough, while some liberal teachers have expressed their intention to ignore the government's demands to inform parents of their child's gender identity.

Overall, the guidance aims to provide clarity and protection for teachers and students while involving parents in decisions regarding their children's gender identity.

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