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Susie Cleverly, the Wife of UK Home Secretary James Cleverly, Opens Up About Her Battle with Cancer

Susie Cleverly, the Wife of UK Home Secretary James Cleverly, Opens Up About Her Battle with Cancer

Who is Susie Cleverly?

Susie Cleverly is the wife of James Cleverly, the newly appointed Home Secretary of the United Kingdom. The couple met while attending university and have been together ever since.

Susie's Battle with Breast Cancer

In December 2021, Susie Cleverly was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had noticed dimpled skin underneath her right breast just a month before her diagnosis. Upon receiving the news, she described bursting into tears and struggling to find the words to express her emotions.

Susie underwent multiple mammograms in one day, but doctors initially couldn't detect anything. It wasn't until one scan showed three lumps in her breast and a node in her arm that the cancer was confirmed. Further scans revealed a total of 12 lumps.

Despite the frightening diagnosis, Susie remained strong and determined to face the challenge head-on. She underwent a mastectomy and continues to receive immunotherapy while waiting for reconstructive surgery.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Susie's Perspective on Life

In an interview with the Daily Express, Susie Cleverly shared how her battle with cancer has given her a newfound appreciation for life's precious moments. She emphasized the importance of cherishing time with loved ones, stating that she wants to make the most of every minute with her husband James and their children.

James Cleverly's Emotional Journey

James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, struggled to come to terms with his wife's illness. He admitted that there were times when he feared losing Susie and found it difficult to speak about her diagnosis. The support they received from family and friends played a crucial role in helping them stay strong during this challenging time.

Reflecting on his career, Cleverly expressed gratitude that he wasn't offered the position of Foreign Secretary while his wife was undergoing chemotherapy. He recognized that he wouldn't have been able to give the role the energy and focus it deserved while supporting Susie through her treatment.

A Loving Family

James and Susie Cleverly have been married for 30 years and have two sons named Freddy and Rupert. Their enduring love and support for each other have been instrumental in their journey through Susie's cancer diagnosis.