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Small boat migrants seen as 'security threat', say majority of UK voters

Small boat migrants seen as security threat, say majority of UK voters

A recent poll has revealed that a majority of UK voters believe that small boat migrants pose a "security threat" to the country. According to the survey conducted by People Polling on behalf of Migration Watch, 52 per cent of respondents expressed concerns about the illegal arrivals, with this figure rising to 78 per cent among Tory supporters and 77 per cent for Brexit voters.

Most voters believe small boat migrants represent a risk

The poll showed that 52 per cent of voters in the UK view small boat migrants as a potential security threat. This figure increased to 78 per cent among Tory supporters and 77 per cent for Brexit voters.

Public opinion divided on impact of small boat migrants

Regarding the impact of small boat migrants on the country, the survey found that 46 per cent of respondents regarded them as "mostly bad". Just over a quarter said they were "both good and bad", while only seven per cent believed they were "mostly good".

Over 25,000 illegal migrants have arrived in the UK this year

According to the data, more than 25,000 illegal migrants have arrived in the UK via the Channel so far this year. This influx has further fuelled concerns among the public about the potential security risks associated with these arrivals.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Majority disagree with Euro judges overriding immigration plans

The survey also revealed that a majority of respondents, 52 per cent, disagreed with European judges having the power to override the UK government's immigration plans. This suggests a desire among voters to maintain control over immigration policies.

Chairman of Migration Watch, Alp Mehmet, emphasized the importance of addressing public concerns, stating, "Public opinion is quite clear: illegal migrants are mostly seen as bad for our country. The government must heed this message and take action to safeguard our nation's interests and uphold the rule of law."

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