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Sir Keir Starmer Vows to Scrap Rwanda Deportation Scheme Even if Effective at Deterrence

Sir Keir Starmer Vows to Scrap Rwanda Deportation Scheme Even if Effective at Deterrence

Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has declared his intention to dismantle the government's Rwanda deportation scheme, regardless of its effectiveness in deterring illegal boat crossings. On the opening day of the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, Sir Keir criticized the policy as "highly costly" and "flawed." He argues that the scheme only affects a small number of illegal migrants and fails to address the root of the problem. Even if the plan is approved by UK courts and proves to be successful in deterring illegal migration, Sir Keir remains steadfast in his opposition to it.

Labour Leader Prioritizes Collaboration with EU in Tackling Illegal Migration

Sir Keir Starmer advocates for an alternative approach to stopping the boats - by seeking cooperation with European Union member states to dismantle the criminal networks facilitating illegal migration. He views this pragmatic plan as a more effective solution to the issue at hand, rather than relying on ineffective rhetoric. However, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has cautioned that Sir Keir's proposal to stop the boats would lead to an influx of 100,000 asylum seekers from the EU.

Sir Keir's Security Agreement and Conservative Criticism

In a recent article, Sir Keir outlined a "Security Agreement with Europe" that involved collaboration between British intelligence agency GCHQ and Europol to monitor gang activity. This initiative marks Sir Keir's first major intervention in the ongoing illegal migration crisis on Britain's coast and in its hotels. Unsurprisingly, Conservative MPs have criticized Sir Keir's refusal to consider maintaining the Rwanda deportation scheme if it proves effective. Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick claims that this shows the Labour Party's unwillingness to tackle illegal immigration, accusing them of being ideologically opposed to border controls. Conservative Party Chairman Greg Hands asserts that only the Conservatives are serious about addressing this issue and that Labour fails to make the tough decisions necessary to protect the country.