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Rishi Sunak Faces Eight-Hour Grilling at Covid Inquiry Amid Controversy

Rishi Sunak Faces Eight-Hour Grilling at Covid Inquiry Amid Controversy

Embattled Rishi Sunak Arrives at Covid Inquiry

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has arrived at the Covid inquiry where he will be subjected to an eight-hour grilling regarding his actions during the pandemic. The inquiry will specifically examine the impact of his controversial Eat Out to Help Out scheme and the allegations that it contributed to the spread of the virus.

Tightrope Act for Sunak on Make-or-Break Week

As Rishi Sunak faces the Covid inquiry, he simultaneously finds himself in a make-or-break week. In addition to the grilling, he will also have to navigate a crucial vote on his Rwanda plan. The outcome of this vote will significantly impact his political future.

Text Messages Reveal Awkward Nickname for Sunak

Rishi Sunak will also be questioned about text messages that came to light, in which Government scientists referred to him as "Dr Death, the Chancellor." These revelations are sure to add to the already intense scrutiny he is facing.

Cabinet Ally Defends Sunak's Covid Response

Grant Shapps, a Cabinet ally, has come to Rishi Sunak's defense ahead of his appearance at the Covid inquiry. Shapps praised Sunak for his efforts in saving jobs and businesses through the furlough scheme and initiatives like Eat Out to Help Out. He emphasized the difficulty of the decisions made during the pandemic.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Gove Argues Eat Out to Help Out was Effective

Michael Gove, the Levelling Up Secretary, has also defended Rishi Sunak and the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, describing it as "effective." However, this view contradicts claims made by England's chief medical officer, who reportedly referred to the scheme as "eat out to help out the virus."

Covid-19 Inquiry Aims to Learn from the Past

The Covid-19 Inquiry, chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, is a comprehensive investigation into the UK's response to the pandemic. Its goal is to scrutinize public health, healthcare, and economic responses in order to learn from the actions taken and improve future preparedness. The inquiry covers multiple modules, including government decision-making, healthcare system impacts, and vaccine development.

Boris Johnson Cross-Examined Last Week

Last week, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced a two-day cross-examination as part of the Covid inquiry. Johnson defended his record during the pandemic, and now it is Rishi Sunak's turn to face the intense scrutiny.