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Rishi Sunak Defends Decision to Invite China to Britain's AI Summit Amid Backlash Over 'Spying' Fears

Rishi Sunak Defends Decision to Invite China to Britains AI Summit Amid Backlash Over Spying Fears

Rishi Sunak Stands Firm

Rishi Sunak, the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, has defended his decision to invite China to Britain's first-ever AI Safety Summit. Despite fears that the communist state may use the event as an opportunity for intelligence gathering, Sunak insisted that keeping close ties with China on this important issue is safer for the UK than disengaging.

World Leaders to Attend

The summit, set to take place at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire next week, will host world leaders and representatives from civil society and leading AI companies.

Tory Hawks Urge Caution

Tory hawks had been urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson against inviting China to the summit. They were concerned that the authoritarian regime would gain insights into how Britain plans to regulate and apply complex technologies in the future.

Defiance from Sunak

In a defiant speech, Sunak hit back at the critics, stating, "We're bringing together the world's leading representatives, from civil society to the companies pioneering AI and the countries most advanced in using it. And yes, we've invited China. That might not have been the easy thing to do, but it was the right thing to do."

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Addressing the Risks

In his speech, Sunak also issued a stark warning about the risks associated with AI. He highlighted the potential for AI to aid in the creation of chemical or biological weapons, facilitate cyber attacks and disinformation campaigns, and even lead to the loss of control over AI itself.

Global Expert Panel

To mitigate these risks, Sunak proposed the establishment of a global expert panel made up of representatives from attending countries and organizations. This panel would publish a "state of AI science" report to inform future regulations and approaches to AI.

Spooks' Shocking Report

Adding to concerns about AI, a recent report from intelligence agencies warns that AI programs have already learned to be "persuasive liars" and could greatly enhance the powers of cyber hackers and terrorists. The report also highlights the potential for new scams using AI-generated images and videos.

Existential Threat

The report raises concerns about the potential for AI to pose an existential threat if misaligned or inadequately controlled. It also notes that offensive cyber capabilities of AI systems could grant access to critical infrastructure and increase the scale and effectiveness of cyber intrusions.

Regulation is Key

The report emphasizes the need for new regulations to avoid an over-reliance on AI and to prevent humans from becoming irreversibly dependent on systems they no longer fully understand.