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Rishi Sunak Declares He's "Living Proof" Migrants Are Welcome in Britain

Rishi Sunak Declares Hes Living Proof Migrants Are Welcome in Britain

Moving to the UK

Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, has declared that he is "living proof" that migrants are welcome in Britain. While he did not explicitly support Home Secretary Suella Braverman's claim that the country is facing a "hurricane" of mass migration, Sunak emphasized that immigrants can come to the UK and succeed. However, he also stated that those making the move must do so legally and make an effort to integrate with the community.

Adopting British Values

During an appearance on the This Morning program, Sunak stressed the importance of adopting British values for anyone moving to the UK. He stated that immigrants should integrate into society and sign up to the shared understanding of British values. Sunak believes that this is crucial for fostering a sense of community and unity.

Home Secretary's Comments

Previously, Home Secretary Suella Braverman received attention after criticizing immigrants who fail to integrate into society. She highlighted concerns about communities living "parallel lives" and called for fearless identification of these issues. Braverman's comments ignited further debate about immigration and integration in the UK.

The PM's Stance on Illegal Migration

Sunak reiterated his commitment to curbing illegal migration during his appearance on This Morning. He emphasized the need for the UK to have control over who enters the country and condemned criminal gangs who exploit migrants. The Prime Minister stressed that illegal migration not only puts lives at risk but also strains the country's resources. Sunak expressed a desire to welcome people to the UK, but within a fair and orderly system.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Labour Party Conference Pressure

As the Labour Party conference is set to begin in Liverpool, Sir Keir Starmer faces pressure to clarify his party's stance on migration and stopping illegal boats. Last month, Starmer suggested signing a migrant "returns agreement" with Brussels, a move that received backlash. Critics argued that this agreement would lead to an influx of illegal immigrants from EU countries.

Stay tuned for updates as the Labour Party conference unfolds and policymakers continue to grapple with immigration and integration issues.