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Rishi Sunak Calls on Allies for Help in Protecting Europe's Borders

Rishi Sunak Calls on Allies for Help in Protecting Europes Borders

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is set to meet with his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni, in Spain today to discuss the urgent issue of migrant-smuggling gangs and how to combat them effectively. The two leaders will be agreeing on a new pact to tackle this problem and will also bring Belgium, Bulgaria, and Serbia into the fold.

New Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation

During the summit, Prime Minister Sunak is expected to announce increased intelligence sharing with partner countries. This cooperation will play a crucial role in countering the activities of criminal gangs involved in human trafficking and smuggling. By working together, the participating nations aim to prevent these gangs from determining who can enter Europe's shores.

Addressing the Immorality of the Situation

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Prime Minister Sunak emphasized the moral imperative to act. He highlighted the tragic loss of thousands of lives at sea due to the actions of people smugglers and stated that such a situation is entirely unacceptable. By coming together and presenting a united front, the leaders hope to address the challenges posed by illegal migration.

New Funding and Support

As part of the initiative, new funding will be announced to support organizations providing essential services to migrants. An allocation of £34 million will be made to the UN and various charities assisting with shelter and providing warm winter clothing. Additionally, the government will disperse a loan worth over £400 million from the World Bank to provide crucial financial support to three million households during the winter months.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

AI Meeting and Ukraine Support

In addition to discussing migration issues, Prime Minister Sunak will also chair a meeting on Artificial Intelligence. This will be a precursor to a global AI safety summit scheduled to take place in the UK next month. Moreover, discussions will include support for Ukraine, including the provision of fighter jets to bolster its defense capabilities.

It is hoped that through these collaborative efforts, the participating nations can successfully address the challenges posed by criminal gangs and create a safer and more secure Europe.