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Rishi Sunak accuses Keir Starmer of stoking 'class war' with tax raid on private schools

Rishi Sunak accuses Keir Starmer of stoking class war with tax raid on private schools

Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has accused Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, of fueling a "class war" with his proposal to impose a tax on private schools.

Sunak blasts Labour for wanting to 'punish' fee-paying parents

Sunak criticized the Labour Party for their intention to eliminate the Value Added Tax (VAT) exemption that private schools currently enjoy. The revenue generated from this 20% levy on fees, which amounts to £1.5 billion annually, would be used to support state school students.

Sunak defends parents who work 'really hard'

Sunak, who himself attended the prestigious Winchester College, argued that Labour's approach fails to understand the efforts of parents who work hard to provide quality education for their children. He stated that Labour's plan is to clamp down on these aspirations and punish families as part of a misguided class war.

Labour leader emphasizes the need for equality in education

Sir Keir Starmer, in response to Sunak's accusations, reassured the public that he is comfortable with individuals paying for education. However, he expressed the importance of ensuring that state schools are on par with private schools in order to provide equal opportunities to all children.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Labour planning an inheritance tax raid

The Labour Party has also proposed a plan to close tax loopholes, including implementing an inheritance tax that would affect family businesses and farmers, who are currently exempt. This move could potentially raise up to £4 billion in revenue.

Making the tax system fairer

A spokesperson for the Labour Party stated that their objective is to create a fairer tax system in the country.