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Peter Mandelson Urges Keir Starmer to Make an Offer Voters Can't Refuse in the Race for No10

Peter Mandelson Urges Keir Starmer to Make an Offer Voters Cant Refuse in the Race for No10

Peter Mandelson, known as New Labour's "Prince of Darkness," has emerged from the political wilderness to offer advice to Sir Keir Starmer on how to win over voters. Comparing Starmer to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mandelson urged the Labour leader to make a compelling offer to working people and reconnect with those who left the party in 2019. While some see Mandelson's words as a seal of approval, others view them as the kiss of death.

Peter Mandelson's Advice:

In an exclusive interview, Lord Mandelson revealed that he has given advice to Sir Keir Starmer, although he denies having the same level of influence as he did with previous Labour leaders. He emphasized the need for Starmer to focus on key priorities, particularly the economy, and make the party conference about the future. Mandelson also criticized the hard left attacks on Starmer from the trade union Unite and took a dig at Ed Miliband's stance on defense.

Rishi Sunak Fights Back:

As Sir Keir Starmer rallies his party at the Labour conference, Chancellor Rishi Sunak is positioning himself as the "change candidate" in the battle for No10. Sunak plans to divert funds from HS2 to invest in roads, trains, and buses, causing a stir among Tories and Labour supporters alike.

The Importance of Mandelson's Advice:

Despite leading in the polls, Sir Keir Starmer still lacks enthusiasm among many voters. He is leaning on the advice of old New Labour figures, including Peter Mandelson, to help boost his image. Mandelson emphasizes the need for Starmer to convince voters of his practical policies and credibility to deliver them.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Lord Mandelson's Past and Future:

Peter Mandelson has a long history in politics, serving as a key figure in New Labour alongside Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. As Labour eyes a potential return to power, some speculate whether Mandelson will make a fourth comeback to Cabinet. However, Mandelson insists that he wants to support a Labour government without being a member of it.