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New UK Visa Rule Delayed until 2025: £38k Salary Cap Postponed

New UK Visa Rule Delayed until 2025: £38k Salary Cap Postponed

Watered Down: Salary Cap Raised to £29k in April Instead

The UK government has announced that the planned £38,000 salary cap for migrants will not come into force until 2025, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This decision comes after the cap was quietly reduced from £18,000 earlier this week, causing backlash from Conservative MPs. The Home Office had originally announced the £38,000 figure just two weeks ago. The move to delay the implementation of the cap has been criticized by MPs who argue that it undermines efforts to address the immigration crisis.

Treasury Blamed for Softening Migration Figures

MPs have pointed the finger at the Treasury for the decision to soften the bid to lower net migration figures. David Jones, deputy chairman of the European Research Group, stated that the recent net migration figures highlighted the severity of the crisis and that increasing the salary threshold was necessary to address it. Ex-minister Jonathan Gullis expressed disappointment in the government's decision, stating that it undermines their efforts to tackle the issue.

£38,700 Threshold to Bring Family Introduced in Early 2025

In response to the backlash, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that the £38,700 salary threshold required to bring a family to the UK will be introduced in early 2025. He defended the decision, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that individuals can financially support their dependents. Sunak stated that the government is following through on their promise and will implement the salary cap in two stages, with the first increase taking place in a few months' time.

Migration Levels Must Decrease, Says Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak emphasized that the levels of migration in the UK are too high and need to decrease. He stated that the government is committed to reducing net migration figures and believes that the salary cap is an important step towards achieving this goal.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk